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Still Feathering

Amidst the mad frenzy as the deadline steadily grows nearer for Book Two in the adoption series, I got a call from to comment on Downsizing for the Empty Nester. Boy, do I know a thing or two about that! So I took a break from writing, and told the journalist about our move to California, and our journey from a large family home to a small beach cottage. What a journey that was! It brought back all the memories of clearing out years of child-raising, accumulation, and travel "treasures". Saying good-bye to things we loved but would no longer need. All the garage sales, Craigslist adventures, moving MIS-adventures and logistical strategizing. Starting a new life on the other side of the country in a new city at a time when some people plan their retirement.

I remembered finding this house we love so much, and taking it from a much different state to what it is today. (If you haven't seen it in a while, check out this photo of how things have grown in!) Just as we poured love into the home in which we raised our children, we've likewise poured love into this home we share . . . just the two of us. And looking back on this topic has reaffirmed our decision to keep it small- lean and mean. What a freeing feeling to no longer have mountains of "stuff" in the garage, the attic, the closets.

It also reminded me not to neglect my blog at You can also find it by clicking on the Feathering My Empty Nest tab on this website. As soon as this next manuscript is put to bed, I will pay lots more attention to the topic of the Empty Nest. Meanwhile, here's a link to the article:

And I'm still accepting adoption stories and advice from adoptive parents, birthparents and adoptees for the next book! So if you know anyone, from any perspective and no matter the outcome, please have them email me here at the website or at

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