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Happy Mother's Day

Reprinted from by Lorri Antosz Benson

Motherhood . . . I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately as the big day approaches. Sunday will be the second Mother’s Day since I lost my mom. And the first since we buried her ashes a month ago in Arlington National Cemetery, alongside my dad’s. Mother’s Day has changed forever for me. I don’t even like to see the Mother’s Day cards in the stores . . . just a reminder that I don’t have to buy one anymore.

Still, the subject of motherhood is front and center in my life as I promote my book, To Have And Not To Hold. With each interview I give, it becomes more clear that our story is really about motherhood, pure and simple. Mothers make sacrifices for their children, and the one I made for Kate, to let someone else raise her, was a gigantic one. Along the same lines, Kate’s adoptive mother, Anne, also made difficult and selfless choices when she facilitated our meeting, and encouraged our relationship. She welcomed not just me, but my whole family, into their lives, all for the sake of Kate’s curiosity and happiness.

Kate now has two young children. Another of my daughters is pregnant with her third. My children are mothers, and that is an amazing thing to behold. I’ve written much on the joys of grandparenthood. But also awe-inspiring is to see sons and daughters become parents. To marvel at their natural talent, and to be there when they need your advice. To see them nurture their babies and feel that great maternal love. Being a mother is such a gift, and to witness this gift in your children is a blessing.

Mothering doesn’t end, nor does the need to be mothered. This Mother’s Day I will be missing my wonderful Mom. But I will also be celebrating the joy of being a Mom, and I hope to FaceTime with those sweet nuggets who have made my children moms and me a G-Lo. Moms are awesome. Happy Mother’s Day!

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