Family Matters
Lorri Antosz Benson

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Abnormal preoccupation with body appearance or weight.
Abnormal preoccupation with food, nutrition, calories, health, and/or cooking.
Frequent trips to the bathroom after meals.
Depression and suicidal thoughts.
A significant change in appetite.
Excessive exercise despite fatigue or weakness.
Moodiness and irritability.
Reduced concentration, memory, and thinking ability.
Loss of interest in hobbies and schoolwork.
Anxiety, especially around food and meal times.
Feelings of guilt and self-hatred.
Constantly making excuses to avoid eating.
Compulsive rituals surrounding food and meal times, such as not letting different food touch eat other or eating only one type of food at a time.
Wearing excessively baggy or bulky clothes.
Hoarding food.
Isolation and withdrawal from friends.
Complete avoidance of social situations involving food, including family meals.
Significant reduction in food intake.
Denial of hunger.
Strange eating habits such as playing with food instead of eating it.
Constant concern about weight.
Secretiveness and deceitfulness.
Preference to eat in isolation.
Reddened fingers, sores in and around mouth, and swollen cheeks or glands (caused by self-inducing vomiting).
Obsession with clothing size, scales, and mirrors.
Problems with drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, or crime (especially with Bulimia)